
close up of gaming tv in modern living room at home

Latest Sony TV Firmware Updates Improve Gaming Experience.

Some Sony TVs are now receiving an update to function as gamers’ monitors. The new firmware update allows the TVs to display a broader range of colors and improves input lag, making them better for gaming.

A year ago, the company promised support for dynamic refresh rates. Read more

sony xr a90j

Quick Overview of the New Sony Bravia XR-55A90JA OLED TV

In the last ten plus years, we tested a fair number of TVs from various manufacturers. You may be impressed by the most recent televisions from LG, Samsung, and Sony. Maybe you’re considering a new TV for $5,000, $8,000, or even $10,000. Yes, these TVs are stunning and offer a ton of features that you can’t find anywhere else. But if you’re on a budget, then you may want to look into something a little more affordable. Let’s explore the new Sony Bravia XR A90J 2021 models and see if it’s up to the task.

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